The claim that Jews put onto their sex Penis a new Foreskin in order to fool SS and the Gestapo is a frequent claim. Such people, as the famous Stefan Szende, who wrote a book about it, and which was translated in at least three languages, claimed to have done it.
The above picture should well illustrate the difficulties with such a task. What for instance happens with a baby boy who is born with a retracted Foreskin? Such a boy may look to be Circumcised, but he isn't.
Circumcision is the most important ritual in Jewry and it is first in our decade that some real concern about the matter has been implemented, not merely as a casual Jewish ritual, but with political-religious motives with the intention to foist ones, otherwise unaccepted religion onto a Goyim world. Only through realization of the importance of this sex ritual, apart from curiosity, can we understand the very origin of Christianity. All early Christians were circumcised. But somewhere along the line it stopped, except for some. Why? These studies go into that, and hence, identifying a Penis for its status is the most important knowledge that opens the hitherto hidden side of the origin of Christianity.
The above picture should well illustrate the difficulties with such a task. What for instance happens with a baby boy who is born with a retracted Foreskin? Such a boy may look to be Circumcised, but he isn't.
Circumcision is the most important ritual in Jewry and it is first in our decade that some real concern about the matter has been implemented, not merely as a casual Jewish ritual, but with political-religious motives with the intention to foist ones, otherwise unaccepted religion onto a Goyim world. Only through realization of the importance of this sex ritual, apart from curiosity, can we understand the very origin of Christianity. All early Christians were circumcised. But somewhere along the line it stopped, except for some. Why? These studies go into that, and hence, identifying a Penis for its status is the most important knowledge that opens the hitherto hidden side of the origin of Christianity.
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